Children’s Ministry

During each Sunday worship service and all Wednesday ministries, nursery is provided to allow parents a time to focus on Christ. All nursery workers are background checked to ensure your child’s safety.

How young can a child be and still learn Christian mission concepts? From the age of 2 until kindergartner, Mission Friends provides the building blocks of faith and a basic awareness of God’s love for all people.

Girls in Action (GA) is a missions discipleship organization for girls. Every girl in grades 1–5 can be a part of GA! Through GA, girls learn about, pray for, give to, and do missions work. They also make new friends and have lots of fun!

Royal Ambassadors (RA) is a missions discipleship organization for boys in grades 1-5. Through hands-on activities that encourage spiritual growth, games and sports, and mentoring relationships with RA leaders, RA members become a faith-based brotherhood.

Our vision for the children’s ministries department here at Mount Nelson is to empower, equip, and activate children to advance the Kingdom of God. All of our children’s workers go through a background check to ensure your child’s safety. It’s our heart that our children know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him, and during Children’s Church our children can do just that. Children’s Church is from pre-school to sixth grade and is during the Sunday morning worship service.